Intimate Live Online Concerts ©

Do you like to go to live musical events, mingle and chat with the musicians and other audience members, learn more about the music you are hearing, and about the musicians performing it? Are you stuck at home?

Enjoy the next best thing online, informed by scientific research into what makes for good audience experience. Join an exclusive salon (of no more than 30 other audience members) to meet on zoom with musicians in real time, watch and hear them explain and present their performances, and then chat with them and other audience members afterwards. Expand your knowledge and enjoyment of music.

Give your feedback to the musicians about how the music affected you, and share thoughts with others. You can do this with anonymous voting software or by speaking. Your thoughts are valuable.

This is more than live streaming! You are actually part of the event, we want to see and hear you, and make you part of a real and unique event, made unique by your presence.